Thursday, December 16, 2010

Panel 2

Panel 2 completed

Panel 2 work in progress

Dont know why my images keep getting switched, anyway, this panel is dont as well. happy with the way it came out. The work in prog was shot at night, and the finished panel in the daytime.
Problem: dont think i can transport the paintings. I cant roll them up. So i was thinking what if i do life size photos of the works for the show? it will be kind of like a digital/painting show? : )
I think this might be my best option. Thoughts?


Nirali Lal said...

What I think, if you gonno do life-size photographs... then the significance of using prints should be there... like maybe if you take a digital photo and work with photoshop.. as if using life-size prints was your first intention and not a substitute.. make them separate art-works.... and we can get some concept for that and it would work well!!

pooja said...


Nirali Lal said...

what does that mean?

pooja said...

what a pain. i dont think thats really necessary. i feel the prints would look really nice, and they would go with the whole theme of 3for. technology and all. so i'm thinking about 6 images

Nirali Lal said...

fine... whatever you think is okay...

Archana Prasad said...

Hey I love this work by the way :) And its great to see it all come together like this. I think the idea of printing on canvas is the way to go...